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Lap band preop diet -

12-02-2017 à 21:06:08
Lap band preop diet
Some foods will need to be reduced or eliminated from the diet to improve nutritional status, increase energy levels, and shrink the liver. Time frames vary based on surgeon guidelines, but you may be asked to start making changes in your diet as soon as you decide on surgery. It may be hard the first few days but by day three it should become easier and you will be happy to see the scale move before you even have surgery. During the Lap-Band pre-op diet you want to start decreasing sugar, unwanted carbs such as bread, pasta and rice, fats, fried foods, whole milk, high calorie drinks which will include soda and alcohol. You will also want to take this time to learn to eat slower because that is a must with Lap-Band surgery. Although you may be tempted to splurge on all your favorite foods, this is not the time to let your health worsen. Every doctor is different in choosing a pre-op diet but most will consist of a liquid diet that will be clear liquids and protein shakes and they may or may not allow you one meal with lean meat and vegetables per day. Increase protein intake, which will help preserve and protect muscle tissue. Your diet will be limited as to the types of food and how much food you can eat and focused on foods that are low-calorie, high-protein, low-fat, and low-carbohydrate. Calorie allowance of 800 to 1200 calories per day. If you are an avid coffee drinker this is the time you may want to start decreasing your caffeine intake. Also consuming high levels of protein at this time will help your body heal faster, speed up your weight loss, and keep your lean muscle mass as you begin to burn fat. It will also help with recovery time, having your surgeon access your stomach more easily, and allow you to be more successful losing weight. It will also reduce your chances of bleeding during surgery. Before undergoing surgery, you will be expected to start making changes in your diet.

If the liver is too large, the surgery may have to be postponed. The pre-op diet plan given to you by your surgeon is designed to prepare your body for surgery and optimize the chances of a successful outcome. If you cheat on the Lap-Band pre-op diet you are setting yourself up for a rougher road to weight loss success. When you get within two weeks of the surgery date, you may be required to switch to a full liquid diet with supplements of protein and vitamins. A typical meal schedule may include yogurt, fruit, cereal, eggs, or oatmeal for breakfast, a protein drink for lunch, and lean meat or fish with green vegetables for dinner. The purpose of a pre-surgery diet is to. Just remember that this is only a short amount of time out of your life and you will be able to eat real food again. The body may go through withdrawal symptoms (such as fatigue and headaches) when certain foods (such as bread and desserts) are eliminated from the diet, but this generally lasts for only a few days. By reducing fatty triglycerides from around the liver and spleen, it can reduce potential surgical bleeding. Caffeine is a stomach irritant and is not part of your post-op diet. Reduce body fat around the stomach and liver. You may be asked to start taking vitamins at this time and it is best to purchase chewable vitamins because after surgery they will be easier to swallow. If you choose not to decrease your caffeine intake you may wake up in the hospital with a headache. The pre-op diet will prepare your body for surgery and improve surgical outcomes and recovery. The diet is designed to help get rid of fat in your liver, and make your life transitioning over to Lap-Band easier. Losing weight before surgery will help reduce complications in the operating room because any amount of weight loss before surgery is a benefit to you and lowering your risk of complications.

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